All Spanish students at all high school levels will need to log into to and complete 2 of the 5 minute timings. Choose vocabulary by book (REALIDADES 1, 2, 3) on the current chapter or a verb tense that we are practicing. Be sure to log in to your account since you will need to have proof of doing the two timings within the 24 hour period. Additional snow day work is to be certain that you are caught up on all current assignments and/or work on improving your portfolio and Google Site.

Middle School Exploratory Spanish students should go to and listen to the Spanish alphabet for practice. Play it while singing along and watching the letters  to help you learn the song. Do this at least three times. If the link doesn't work, just use Google and type in Spanish alphabet song in order to get to it. If we are already past the alphabet, and students don't feel the need to review it, there is an alternate assignment. The alternate assignment is to make at least 25 digital (Google slides) or paper flashcards with images/words to practice the current vocabulary list. Then use them to practice/study. Bring in evidence of your efforts to the next Spanish class period that you have. Additional blended learning day work is to be certain that you/the student is caught up on all current assignments and/or work in the workbook.
