R-P High School Drama Club 2008-09
Why should I be a drama club member?
Because you will have fun, learn about many different areas of the performing arts (especially theater), make new friends, and get to be part of community activities and events, and can work towards earning a school letter.
How can I earn points towards a school letter?
• Help with special events involving “The Arts” sponsored by R-P Community Education • Help with special events sponsored by RASA • Participate in RASA productions/events/board • Participate in High School Theater Productions • Attend other productions (local, colleges, etc.) • Participate in other productions in the community • Attend theater workshops/clinics (separate from 1-Act Play) • Attend Drama Club meetings (be on time and participate)
How many points do I need to earn a letter?
You need a total of 20 points to receive a letter. Point values vary according to the activity you participate in.
What if I don’t get 20 points in one year, do I have to start all over?
No. You can accumulate points from year to year. When you have accumulated 20 points you will earn a letter for that year. Extra points then carry over to the next year and you can accumulate points until you have enough for another year. You can only get one letter for Drama Club per year.
How often does Drama Club meet?
Drama Club will meet once a month. When there are productions or special events to prepare for, the group will meet more often. Drama Club meets primarily during non-school hours, so meetings and activities will usually take place after school, in the evenings or on weekends.
How do I become a member of Drama Club?
You must sign up to be a member and fill out the membership form. This form will be used for generating a list of member names for determining who should earn a letter, who could be called on to help with special events, and who is interested in participating in events and activities related to theater.
R-P Drama Club Point System
Overall Procedure
1. In order to letter, a R-P Drama Club member must earn 20 points.
2. If 20 points are not earned during the designated 12-month period, the points will carry over to the next year.
3. Any activity that is done independently of the Drama Club can earn points, but will not be awarded until a R-P Drama Club Points Application Form is filled out and submitted to the Drama Club Advisor for approval.
4. Participation in drama productions can either be performance or technical.
5. The point values are as follows:
1 pt- R-P Drama Club monthly meetings, field trips, and workshops
2 pt- RASA representative, participation in RASA productions, R-P Community Education events, participation in productions outside of community, and drama classes / camps
4 pt- Full participation in Rushford-Peterson Schools drama event (One Act Play, All School Play, Talent Show & Speech.)
Point Application Form
Please describe the activity you participated in or attended:
What was your overall impression of this event?
Please include proof* that you attended this activity OR provide a name and number/email that can be contacted to verify your participation.
Contact Name:
Phone Number or Email Address:
* Proof of attendance could be a ticket stub, program, class schedule or any other item that shows you were at the event.
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Approved By: ___________________________ Point Value: _______ Drama Club Advisor
Member Form
Rushford-Peterson Drama Club 2008-09
I, _____________________________ agree to be an active member of the R-P Drama Club and will represent the organization with a positive attitude. I will provide support in the performing arts whenever possible and be an advocate for arts in our community. I will behave appropriately at any and all Drama Club events/activities and will be a positive role model for other students.
I will attend a minimum of six (6) Drama Club meetings throughout the school year and will participate in at least three (3) Drama Club events.
I understand that my active participation can and will result in points towards achieving a letter.
____________________________________ _______________________ Student Signature Date
Email:_________________________________ Phone Number________________
Drama Club Executive Team Roles and Responsibilities
The Drama Club Executive Team will (as a group) determine Drama Club events and projects for the school year. Feedback or ideas may be solicited from general membership.
President: Presides over the meetings of the chapter and the Executive Team. Plans Executive Team and general membership club meetings by setting forth an agenda. Makes room reservation requests. Facilitates logistics of Drama Club projects and events.
Vice-President: Arranges guest speakers and assists the club President to facilitate logistics of Drama Club projects and events. Sends thank-you notes to speakers and/or other volunteers as needed. Works with the club President on any special projects. Presides in the absence of the club President - assumes President responsibilities.
Treasurer: Receive all monies collected by Drama Club. Deposit funds to Drama Club Advisor. Makes withdrawls when needed. Keeps an accurate account of all monies received and expended. Provides for safekeeping of funds.
Secretary: Tracks member involvement through the use of a point system. Keeps the minutes of all chapter and exec board meetings. Handles in-club communications. Keeps a complete record of all members.
Reporter/Historian: Writes press releases to send out to the public regarding upcoming events. Communicates Drama Club happenings to the student body. Writes detailed summaries of each Drama Club projects/event for the club’s archive. Maintains web site up keep.
Drama Club Advisor: Responsible for supervision of all Drama Club Executive Team and general membership meetings and events. Provides resources for club members when planning projects and events. Collects participation data from the Secretary to award official Letter points.
Structure and By-Laws
R-P Drama Club Structure and By-Laws
Mission: R-P Drama Club will advocate for the performing arts in our school and community and its members will become active citizens in the area of the performing arts. Objectives:
-To create an environment for continued learning for youth about the performing arts. -To utilize community and school resources to their fullest capacity for youth to experience opportunities in the area of the performing arts. -To enhance youth’s appreciation for the performing arts.
Article I: Name This organization shall be known as the R-P Drama Club.
Article II: Purpose The R-P Drama Club has an important role to be a link to school and community for activities or events related to the performing arts. Members will become a resource for any or all theater activities that involve technical and/or performing needs by the school or community.
Article III: Functions Section 1 The Drama Club shall be under the supervision of Drama Club Advisor and will reflect the ideals and standards of Rushford-Peterson Schools. Section 2 The Drama Club shall follow a 12-month period beginning in June of each year and ending in May of the following year. Section 3 The Drama Club shall elect officers every May: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Historian, and Treasurer. Section 4 The Drama Club shall assist in developing performing arts activities for all youth and lead the way for inter-agency/organization cooperation and coordination to maximize community resources.
Article IV: Representation and Membership The Drama Club shall consist of students from grades 7-12 with an interest in the performing arts and a willingness to participate in varied performing arts activities and/or events with the school district and community.
Article V: Selection Procedure To become a member, a student must meet the following criteria: 1. Members must attend a minimum of six (6) official Drama Club meetings within the 12-month program year. 2. Members must participate in a minimum of three (3) official Drama Club activities or events within the 12-month program year. 3. No membership dues will be required, but members must meet the criteria to be eligible for benefits sponsored by the Drama Club. Benefits may include but are not limited to: transportation or participation fees for trips or workshops, special events in honor of the Drama Club, etc.