If school is closed due to inclement weather, here are a few suggestions to make learning fun.
1. Play a game with your family.
2. Follow a recipe and bake something delicious!
3. Cuddle up and read a book together and afterwards make a picture to go with the story.
4. Give your child some materials - (some suggestions are: boxes, crayons, markers, scissors, tape and/or glue, recycling) and let them create an artwork or invent something.
5. Build something using directions.
6. Write a letter to someone far away - grandparent or friend.
7. Have your child draw a snowman and then write the directions on how to build it.
8. Practice sight words (you can make the cards I sent home into a matching game).
9.. Give your child a ruler and let them go around measuring things.
10. Play with blocks, legos or any other toy that stimulates creativity.
If you have any questions or would like more ideas - please feel free to email me as I will be online. Have a great snowy day! Mrs. Marklowitz